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Founded in 2003, Local First Arizona is a nonprofit organization committed to community and economic development throughout Arizona. Our work connects people, locally-owned businesses, and communities for meaningful actions that build a diverse, inclusive and prosperous Arizona economy, including:

Educating consumers about the interconnectedness of the economy -- how and where they spend matters.

Training small businesses to be more resilient, while helping our larger partners tell their story as champions of Arizona.

Creating programs and events that make it fun and easy to discover local businesses and buy local.

Targeting systems of inequity and building prosperity for all Arizonans by proactively identifying comprehensive solutions and taking action.

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Saturday 08:00 am to 05:00 pm

Meet the Northern Arizona Representative

Profle Picture Aaron Suzuki Northern Arizona Representative

First exposed to Local First Arizona through the 2020 Good Business Summit, Aaron enjoys working with so many people and businesses who truly care. A believer that there is nothing a strong community can't achieve or overcome, Aaron works with Flagstaff businesses, residents, and entrepreneurs to hear their challenges and connect them to resources for solutions.

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